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Month: June 2018

Market Day is Tomorrow!

Market Day is Tomorrow!

Tomorrow is the Lititz Farmers Market from 4:30 – 8:30! Come out and see what all the vendors have to offer.

I will have plants available for you to add to your garden: Tomatoes, basil, parsley, garlic chives, cilantro, lemon balm and mint! I will also have fresh cut herb bundles of cilantro, thyme and dill.

New this week will be my needle felted nests with eggs! Perfect for your garden decor! I also have lavender and flax seed sleep pillows, lavender sachets, catnip cat toys, linen/room sprays and paper making kits.

The other vendors have such fresh, wonderful items, baked goods and more. This week’s music is Bobby Wehner and our featured food truck isĀ Baron Von Schwein!

Hope to see you tomorrow!



First Farmers Market Was Beautiful!

First Farmers Market Was Beautiful!

Last night was the first Lititz Farmers Market evening for my stand-Back in Thyme- and my friend Lisa- Sweet Charlotte’s Boutique (wonderful soaps, lotions and more!)-and it was fun and beautiful! The weather was stunning, the people were fun to chat with and the ideas are flowing for next week! Kristi & Devin from Fifth Month Farm are close to us and they have amazing spring mix, vegetables and homemade bread. they are so enjoyable to talk to. We have two guys next to us who make AMAZING guacamole and also pineapple mango salsa that is addictive. There are other stands with seafood, jellies, produce, candles, baked goods, and Isabelle who makes a flavorful curry chicken salad among other offerings. Each week there is live music in the gazebo and this week it was my friend Andy and his group, Less is More. Everyone really enjoyed them.

Each week there is a food truck, and yesterday it was Mad Dash who makes varieties of grilled cheese. My son, Adam, had the 3 cheese and bacon and I had the turkey, bacon & ranch and both were wonderful.

I will be working on some new items for this week and I look forward to adding more and more. We were glad to work out the kinks yesterday–knowing a little better what to plan for, how much to bring and how to arrange our stand.

If you’re local and free next week, come on down for a nice evening in the park! Also, if you’re local, give me a shout and come over to my house if you want some plants–tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers, basil, thyme, garlic chives, regular chives, cilantro, lemon balm, lemon verbena, parsley, and more I’m probably forgetting–all plants are $2 so come out and get some!

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