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Month: September 2018

Happy September!

Happy September!

Well, it’s still raining here in PA. I sound like a broken record, but this rain is just awful! We have had local flooding and it’s been so dreary and gray. The sunshine is desperately needed. When the sun does occasionally shine, it’s been so hot and humid that it’s hard to enjoy being outside. That said, it certainly has made for a lot of crafting indoors and salsa making with the abundance of tomatoes my garden is producing!

I have missed several Thursdays at the Lititz Farmer’s Market due to the weather and other obligations, but next week, September 20th, I will be there! I have my wonderful, fall potpourri blend ready to package up and a room spray to go with it. I have also been needle felting a lot of fall items and am also starting Christmas items. There just aren’t enough hours in the day to keep up with the ideas in my head, but I’m trying!

Sometimes life is just difficult. Then the next day, it’s a little better. I keep reminding myself through the challenges, that there are ebbs and flows and to ride them out the best I can. So far, that strategy has worked for me and creating and crafting is a HUGE part of the plan. My craft room is my Happy Place. It is a place where the only expectations put on me are my own and in a creative, positive way. When I emerge, having immersed myself in a creative process, I feel refreshed and relaxed. I wish for everyone to have that “thing” that can recenter, redirect and recharge you when it is needed. Hobbies and interests are just as important for our emotional well being as food and exercise are for our physical well being.

I will post pictures over the weekend of some new projects as I complete them, but in the meantime, remember to check out my Etsy page!

I will be adding some pumpkins and other felted items, as well as potpourri and room sprays!

Happy Crafting!



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